Sell Your Car.

Sell Your Car in Chester

Selling your car to one of our retailers is quick, easy and totally free

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The hassle-free way to sell your car

Looking to sell your car in Chester? There’s no better place to take it than your nearest Evans Halshaw retailer. We make selling your car quick and easy, offering you an honest, straightforward experience with no hidden charges or admin fees.

With numerous locations in Cheshire, there's no need to travel far to complete the sale. Whether your car is in great condition or has a few years and miles on it, we’re happy to make an offer, and if there’s any outstanding finance, we can help settle it as part of the sale.

Selling your car is as easy as 1-2-3

Our simple, 3-step process ensures you go from valuation to money-in-the-bank in as little as 72 hours.

Why should you sell your car to Evans Halshaw?

Woman on Laptop Smiling
  • Our extensive network makes it easy for you to find a location that's convenient for you
  • We'll buy any car, regardless of its age and mileage
  • We'll provide an accurate market valuation
  • No obligation to buy; you can sell your car to us without having to purchase a new one
  • We don't charge admin fees
  • We'll pay the money directly into your bank account

Rated 'Excellent' with 90,000+ reviews

You're in good hands when you sell your car to us. But don't take our word for it, here's what our customers are saying.

Cars Available to Finance

Find your nearest retailer

With over 100 branches located across the UK, you won't need to travel far in order to sell your car with us.

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Guides to help you when selling your car

Our handy guides have been created to help you understand more about your options when selling your car.