Sell Your Car.

Sell Your Car in Merthyr Tydfil

Selling your car to one of our retailers is quick, easy and totally free

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The hassle-free way to sell your car

Looking to sell your vehicle in Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan? At your nearest Evans Halshaw retailer, you’ll find a team of friendly associates who are ready to provide a hassle-free and welcoming experience.

With a wide scope of retailers located in and around the Merthyr Tydfil area, it’ll be easy to find one of our locations close to you.

We’ll purchase any car regardless of its make, model, age or mileage, even if it has outstanding finance. Our process is straightforward and transparent, and there are no admin fees to worry about.

Selling your car is as easy as 1-2-3

Our simple, 3-step process ensures you go from valuation to money-in-the-bank in as little as 72 hours.

Why should you sell your car to Evans Halshaw?

As one of the UK's largest automotive retailers, our extensive network of dealerships and retailers ensures you're never far away from a sell your car location. Our knowledgeable team is also on hand every step of the way to answer any queries you may have and won't pressure you into buying another car — you can sell your car to us with no obligation to buy your next one.

We're interested in cars of any make and model, regardless of age and mileage, and can provide an accurate valuation that's backed by market data. We aim to deliver the greatest value to our customers, so charge zero admin fees and will pay the money directly into your bank account within three working days.

Woman on Laptop Smiling

Rated 'Excellent' with 90,000+ reviews

You're in good hands when you sell your car to us. But don't take our word for it, here's what our customers are saying.

Cars Available to Finance

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With over 100 branches located across the UK, you won't need to travel far in order to sell your car with us.

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Guides to help you when selling your car

Our handy guides have been created to help you understand more about your options when selling your car.